Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Online petitions

Se avete 5 minuti, tre petizioni da firmare su internet che mi sono arrivate oggi:

Medici senza Frontiere per convincere Novartis a ritirare la denuncia al governo indiano su un caso di violazione di brevetti di farmaci.

Per dimostrare la contrarieta' all'allargamento della base americana a Vicenza.

Per un tunisino residente in Italia da 10 anni, sposato con una italiana e con 3 figli, espulso senza diritto di difesa e ora detenuto in Tunisia.

And I add another one about Darfur, Sudan, to stop the forgotten genocide.


Anonymous said...

Why is this only in italian?
Than non-italian speaking people, like me, can not understand.
I protest!
I also want to understand!

Marco said...

Dear anonymous
I am sorry but now i found an english version only of the first petition:

The second one is about one American military base in Vicenza and can be signed only by Italian citizens, while the third one is for a Tunisian guy living in Italy now in prison in Tunisia without right to defend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marco,
I already signed the first petition.
Thank u never the less 4 your effort to transmit this info to us non-italian-speaking who eagerly read your blogg.
Hopefully next time we will not have to warn you about these things.
I also have a small suggestion; maybe, in the future, you could put a Croatian explanation with the italian and english.
Somebody told me that a lot of people in Croatia also read your blogg ;)