Saturday, September 8, 2007

Air pollution in Tirana

I already mentioned in one of my first posts that Tirana was declared as one of the most polluted capital in the world. A recent article confirm this news. I paste below the text from our daily press review (it is dated 28 August)

Koha Jonë (an Albanian newspaper) quotes Director of the Environment Protection Civil Office, Sazan Guri, as saying that around 1,400 people die every year in Albania because of pollution. According to Guri, Tirana, and not Kabul, is the most polluted capital city in the world, because in Kabul the air is cleaned in ten minutes because of the terrain, whereas it takes three years to do so in Tirana. The deathly diseases caused by pollution are cancer and lung diseases. Guri added that the life expectancy in Tirana is shortened by 1,5-2 years because of the pollution.

Well, I hope my year here will shorten my life expectancy by only few weeks !


Kailash Chand said...

I have a blog containing good information on global warming. Ozone has doubled since the mid-19th century due to chemical emissions from vehicles, industrial processes and the burning of forests, the British climate researchers wrote. Carbon dioxide has also risen over that period. History of global warming is very deep since 1850.

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