Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Albania to assess country perceptions and tourism experience

In this post I inform you about one activity I am directly involved in my job and that is interesting in my opinion. UNDP is launching a survey about exit passengers at the international airport of Tirana. Below you find part of the article taken from the UNDP website.

"Albania will launch a one-year tourism survey this month in its first systematic attempt to assess foreign visitors’ experience in the country and to inform marketing and investment in Albania’s tourism sector.

The initiative is a joint effort of the Ministry of Tourism and the UNDP Image of Albania Project in partnership with the University of Tirana and with expertise provided by the Central American Institute for Business Administration (INCAE) in Costa Rica.

While Albania has great potential as an eco and cultural tourism destination, it lacks data on the socio-economic profile of its current visitors, their degree of satisfaction, their expenditures, activities and expectations. The tourism survey aims to fill this information gap by providing a comprehensive analysis and generating data that will be useful in the country’s marketing campaigns and its investment in eco and cultural tourism."

So, if you are not resident in Albania and you are leaving the country from the airport and you meet one interviewer asking to fill in a questionnaire, don't say no!

To read all the article go to this link:


Consurgens said...
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Anonymous said...

finalmente si muovono per una cosa che è stata lasciata per troppo tempo alla degrado più assoluto...mi piace questo progetto e spero che porti risultati utili e utilizzabili per migliorare quello che a mio parere ora come ora è la "punta di diamante" dell' economia del paese.

belle_fleur said...

This sounds like a great project and i hope it works out because Albania it will help the economy and also the image of my homeland, i'm crossing my fingers:))